Nemesis Spirits

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd EditionCampaign Setting Logo

Nemesis Spirits
Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Uncommon
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Sacrifices
Intelligence: 13
Alignment: Any chaotic or evil
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 0
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 9
THAC0: 12
No. of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: By traditional or natural weapon
Special Attacks: Spells
Special Defenses: +3 or better to hit
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M
Morale: Champion (15-16)
XP Value: 5,000

Nemeses are legendary figures from the folk tales of a specific culture. They may be evil kings, faithless advisers, or monsters, but they are always the epic foes who were overcome by the culture's heroes. Each is unique, ranging from handsome or stunningly beautiful to grotesquely bestial and hideous, but they all want their eternal enemy brought to his knees and the culture which spawned them destroyed.

Each nemesis is the arch-enemy of a hero spirit, and wages a constant war against its foe, its followers always fighting the hero's devotees. Ironically, if the Nemesis destroys the hero spirit's cult and eradicated all memory of it, it would soon fade away, too, as it is remembered only as the foes of the hero.

Combat: The nemesis spirit wields the weapons associated with it in legend, or if it is a beast or some kind of animal, uses the natural weaponry available to it. In addition, all nemesis spirits can cause three spell-like effects, at will, four times per day: Cause fear, charm (person, monster or plants) and pass without trace.

Accepted Alignments: Any chaotic or evil.

Familiarity: Nemeses will accept any shaman who is willing to fight the followers of their foe. A single sacrifice (requiring a Shamanic Ritual check, of course) suffices to cement the alliance.

Demands: A shaman who serves a nemesis spirit must never cooperate with the followers of the corresponding hero spirit, nor offer sacrifice or do any other thing to aid that spirit. Further, the shaman must conspire to weaken the hero spirit's followers whenever possible.

Nemeses do not require sacrifice to survive, but if they are to provide any spells or other aid to the shaman, they must receive sacrifice once per month. One chicken per worshiper per month is a minimum sacrifice, but nemeses prefer more dramatic offerings, preferably the relatives of worshipers of the nemesis' corresponding hero spirit.

Benefits: A nemesis can sponsor any spell from the spiri-tualist's list, plus tribal shaman spells up to 3rd level.
